South West England

Charfield, South Gloucester

An intrusive Evaluation was carried out to examine the archaeological potential of land at Charfield, South Gloucester, prior to proposed residential development. Eighteen evaluation trenches were excavated; seventeen had negative results. One trench contained a truncated cremation of unknown date and an adjacent gully.

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Horsbere Brook, Gloucester

A topographic (channel) survey of Horsbere Brook, Gloucester, for Kier Services Ltd, took place as part of an assessment of capacity. The survey was carried out by specialist staff in accordance with the Environment Agency Specification for Surveying Services.

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Bells Field, Coleford

A Desk-based Assessment and Site Visit was carried out for Coleford Town Council to determine the archaeological potential of land at Bells Field, Lords Hill, Coleford. Possible impacts were identified in relation to evidence of ridge and furrow ploughing and post-medieval coal extraction. A watching brief was recommended.

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Dudman Farm, Truro

A Cultural Heritage study undertaken as part of an EIA for a proposed mixed use development at Dudman Farm, Truro, concluded that the potential for archaeological sites was low to moderate. Mitigation recommendations were made in relation to both the buried archaeological resource and extant historic buildings and structures.

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Puriton Landfill Solar Farm

An excavation on land adjacent to Puriton landfill on the site of a proposed solar farm development revealed domestic settlement of later Iron Age and Roman date. Evidence from the ceramics and small finds analysis suggests occupation of the site until at least the 4th century.

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Rexon Cross Farm, Devon

An archaeological watching brief was carried out at the site of a proposed wind turbine at Rexon Cross Farm, Devon. Two archaeological features of unknown date were revealed; a deep gully and a likely hearth suggestive of settlement.

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Pengover Green, Cornwall

A building survey was carried out at Trenant Barns, Pengover Green, Cornwall, prior to the conversion of the structure to fulfil a planning condition. Four 19th century buildings were surveyed: a chall barn, a cart shed with granary, a shippon, and a domestic dwelling.

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