East of England

Bawdsey to Ipswich, Suffolk

A team of up to 30 experienced archaeologists, led by a dedicated Project Officer, carried out numerous excavations over a period of more than a year as part of a large team working in advance of major infrastructure project. Some sites were ‘stand-alone’ whereas others required close co-operation with other archaeological companies.

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Odell Glebe Farm, Sharnbrook

Eighteen trenches were cut at Odell Glebe Land, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, with the aim of producing a better understanding of potential buried archaeological remains. Twelve trenches yielded archaeological evidence ranging from features associated with worked flint of prehistoric date to evidence for medieval ridge and furrow ploughing.

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Clapham Solar Farm

A Desk-Based-Assessment of land near Clapham, Bedfordshire, took place prior to the development, to assess the historical and archaeological potential of the area. No designated or non-designated assets were recorded within the proposed site. Despite the proximity of Twinwood Airfield, all remains associated with it had been removed or located away from the site.

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Queen Street, Tring

A Desk-based Assessment, incorporating an assessment of the potential impact on the setting of local heritage assets, was carried out on land at Queen Street, Tring, Hertfordshire, prior to the proposed submission of a planning application for residential development. The potential impact on both buried and standing archaeological remains was deemed to be low.

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Highfields Farm, Cambridgeshire

A desk-based report was undertaken as part of a wider Impact Assessment in advance of proposed wind turbine construction. The report included a comprehensive summary of archaeological and cultural heritage assets in the area. Potential prehistoric and roman cropmarks were identified and targeted evaluation trenching was undertaken.

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