General Content

North England

Although the sites undertaken by Archaeology England are predominantly in the north-western counties of Cheshire, Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside, we have also worked in in Lincolnshire, Humberside, Yorkshire and Northumberland. Wherever possible, we use locally based staff, thereby offering a high quality service that is cost-effective and targeted to the needs of potential clients.

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East Midlands

Archaeology England uses staff based in the East Midlands to help provide high quality and cost effective services. We are independent and client focussed and we guarantee that all the advice we give is both impartial and confidential. Our staff have undertaken a wide range of services, including excavation, evaluation, surveying, desk-based studies and the

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South West England

Archaeology England has undertaken work in a number of areas within Southwest England, in particular Gloucestershire and Somerset. Projects include, Desk-based Assessments, evaluations and excavations in advance of housing developments, building recording and geophysical surveys. Wherever possible, we use staff that are locally based and we pride ourselves on the efficiency of our work, our

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East of England

Archaeology England has undertaken various projects within the East of England. These include Excavations and Evaluations, Building Surveys, and a range of Desk-based assessments. We are keen to build up our portfolio in these area and welcome the opportunities presented by working with new clients.

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South East England

Archaeology England has undertaken various projects within Southeast England. These include Excavations and Evaluations, Building Surveys, and a range of Desk-based assessments. We are keen to build up our portfolio in these area and welcome the opportunities presented by working with new clients.

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West Midlands

Archaeology England has undertaken a large number of projects in the West Midlands, in particular the border counties of Shropshire and Herefordshire. These include excavations, evaluations, surveys, watching briefs, desk-based surveys and consultancy work. We have a reputation for providing invaluable independent advice to clients regardless of the size of the development they are involved

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In cases where excavation is unavoidable, Archaeology England can carry out such work to the highest professional standards and within pre-arranged timescales. Each project is run by a dedicated Project Manager, whose job is to co-ordinate all aspects of the work from setup to reporting and archiving. The size of our excavation teams and the

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Settings Assessments & Assessments of Visual Impact

Specialist services offered by Archaeology England’s heritage consultants include Settings Assessments and Assessments of Visual Impact. All Archaeology England’s reports are compliant with Historic England and other current UK policy guidelines. It is our policy to carry out Site Visits for all such assessments, as we believe this is the only way to ensure the

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Artefacts, ecofacts and post-excavation analysis

Where important finds, groups of finds or remains of environmental importance are discovered during a fieldwork investigation, a developer may be required to undertake specialist study or conservation before a planning Condition is signed off. Archaeology England has an extensive team of in-house and external specialist with the experience to undertake such work quickly and

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Community Excavations & Surveys

Archaeology Wales staff have taken part in a number of community-led excavations and surveys (field-walking, metal detector, topographical and geophysical), providing on-site training for volunteers from local communities. Our aim is always to equip local groups with an array of new skills and knowledge, enabling them to develop a better understanding of their local heritage

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